
SAVANNAH - 2 - Sons of the lions kings

Created by Galladur's 3D Printed Models

Complete Fantasy Football Teams based on the Savannah thème. Extension of the Savannah-Team 2022 Project

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping & Sharing
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 10:31:29 AM

Hi :)

Just a little message to tell you that : 

  • Most of the shipping has been sent today, we hope you'll receive your models soon.
  • As expected, all non commercial pledge has been shared on myminifactory (with the email you used in kickstarter)

Commercial savannah-2 files will be shared as expected April 15th

Best regards


cards charged earlier than expected
6 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 12:50:31 AM


We made a missclick on the management interface of the pledge manager, and cards has been charged this morning instead of next week.

We hope it wont be problematic for you as it didn't wait the beginning of the month.

The good new of this missclick, is that we will be able to manage shippings earlier than expected.

best regards

News about deliveries
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 02:01:46 AM

Hi Backers,

We're close to the end righ now, so I send you some information about the next weeks.

Physical orders :

Orders will be locked for physical orders next week, and cards will be charged next tuesday (always works better early in the month than late in the previous month).

As soon as the cards will be charged we will be able to start shippings, so we hope each one will receive the models around mid-april.

Numeric orders : 

As expected, STL files for non-commercial pledges will be shared next week (end of the pledge manager), and files for commercial licenses will be shared mid-april (end of the shipping phase)

Thanks again to all of you for beeing here in this project.

And we hope to see you soon in our next kickstarter (september 2024)

Still Waiting for Backerkit review
6 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 04:52:46 AM

Hi backers,

We were expecting to open the pledge manager last week, but we're right now still waiting for backerkit to achieve the project review. We're in contact with them and hope they will unlock us very quickly. (little problem because we don't manage numeric pledges in the pledge manager, and system don't like to see "unmanaged pledges")

We really apologise for this delay.

However, we are taking advantage of this time to produce the miniatures. Time we lost now will therefore be regained later.


You asked for a picture of the cheetah twins add-on we finally unlocked for the pledge-manager. Here they are :

A little bit more to wait
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 12:46:42 AM

Hi everybody,

Just a new to tell you that finaly kickstarter needs a little bit more than expected to validate the end of the project (14 days after end date). 

As we need to wait for this ckeck from kickstarter to launch the next step (pledge-manager), it should happend next week instead of this week as expected originaly.

Best regards
